Top 25 Content Writing Courses Online in 2023 (Exposed)


    Content Writing is the method of planning, composing, and upgrading web content material, normally for virtual advertising capacities. It can include composing weblog posts and articles, content for films and articles, in addition to content for specific frameworks, inclusive of tweetstorms on Twitter.

    Content is the ruler of the weblog. Or on the other hand, any internet site inside the globe. If your content material is engaging, you’ll discover lots and probably many followers. Before I give an explanation for the significance of content material writing, permits recognize why content material is essential.

    In short, content is information. And this record leads to the idea that creates emotions and finishes as motion. However, writing content material isn’t just basic for blog posts.

    In reality, content writing is urgent for wide range of distinctive content material codecs, including:

    • Video scripts
    • Email newsletters
    • Keynote speeches
    • Social media posts
    • Podcast titles
    • White papers
    • Web page copy
    • Landing pages
    • YouTube video descriptions

    To know more about Henry Harvin Content Writing Course, click here.

    Online Content Writing Courses

    Finding nice content writing courses online permit you to refine your writing capacities and fill in as a stepping stone in an effort to turn out to be a successful content material creator.

    More than 15000 experts have profited from these free and paid to get to know sources that will assist you to excel at content promoting and writing. The schooling guides are suitable for beginners, intermediate-level youngsters in addition to professionals.

    Top 25 content writing courses available online

    1. Content Writing Courses-CDCW Certification

    Course offered by: Henry Harvin Education

    Henry Harvin Certified Digital Content Writer (CDCW) accreditation is Ranked 1 in the business through Trainings360.

    henry harvin content writing

    The benefits of taking these content writing courses are

    • Learn to Write 30+ Content Types and Earn Online
    • Experience in Professional Content Writing
    • Develop essential Language Skills to create for International Clients
    • Website Making Skills to make Basic Website and Personal Blog
    • Graphic Skills to structure Newsletters, PPT, Logo and so on
    • Gain Advanced Research Skills that engages to Write on Any Topic

    Rankings: 4.7 out of 5

    2. Ninja Writing

     Course Offered by: Udemy

    This instructional exercise will not simply educate you to turn into an extraordinary creator however a shocking one and get you’re composing took note. Discover how to make enchanting arrangements with the systems examined in the classes.

    The talks likewise tap into the intensity of the four levels specifically story, passages, sentences, and words. Besides this, you will likewise figure out how to make sites, promoting duplicate, and general business sparkle, and get the thought of possible readers.

     Rankings: 4.4 out of 5

     3. Content Strategy for Professionals Specialization

     Course offered by: Northwestern University via coursera

    This is a specific content writing course online offered by Northwestern University on Coursera. This course is for any call that required to figure out how to create thoughts for connecting with the goal market.

    You will get comfortable with the sytems of making and curating content that gets the enthusiasm of your expected interest group with devices and methodologies showed here.

    These content writing courses will help you in making content that centers on the human part of your customers, subsequently inducing feelings. This will help you with associating better with your crowd.

     Rankings: 4.6 out of 5

     4. Copywriting Secrets

     Course offered by: Udemy

    As the name proposes, you will sort out how to make duplicate copies that sell once you are through the course.

    In this genuine market, when everyone is doing likewise penetrate, you will sort out how to write adequately to get the ideal movement from your readers. You will find your voice, and keeping in mind that making the ideal duplicate, will be commensurate to tending to your audience.

    The content writing courses will help you with understanding the work of feelings while characterizing your work. Gain capability with the systems to ace B2B interchanges through duplicates that have an unquestionable source of inspiration.

     Rankings: 4.4 out of 5

    5. Free Content Writing Courses & Classes

     Course offered by: LinkedIn Learning-Lynda

    This course of action of video instructional activities has been explicitly expected to explore the distinctive creating styles and fundamental thoughts of describing. Experience these 29 courses and pick the one that accommodates your essential and experience level.

    With applicable shows, wellsprings of inspiration, and direction for composing interfacing with thoughts it is anything but difficult to perceive any reason why these instructional activities are swarm top choices.

     Rankings: 4.6 out of 5

     6. Free Writing Courses & Classes Online

     Course offered by: Skillshare

    Regardless of whether you need to commence employment in fiction, genuine, or use your structure as gadgets to upgrade your profession in a period brief path then there are a lot of choices on this e-learning site.

    A portion of the inclining classes spread huge subjects, for example, the 6 phases to gather fruitful composing propensity, describing fundamentals, innovative articulation through journaling and arranging.

    As the discussions are short consequently the ideas are immediate and make it straightforward.

     Rankings: 4.7 out of 5

    7. Writing Tools & Hacks: Copywriting/Blogging/Content Writing

     Course offered by: Udemy

    These content writing courses will help you with finding a couple of online apparatuses and applications that you can use to create compelling duplicates and substance.

    You will save time with improved benefits by using these hacks to make new substance thoughts, keep an essential distance from linguistic mix-ups, and create content that is a hit with your audience.

     Rankings: 4.2 out of 5

     8. Creative Writing Certification Course

    Course offered by: Wesleyan via Coursera

    These content writing courses urge you to surpass assumptions in three parts of content writing, i.e., short story, diary, and long-structure content. It makes you get comfortable with the techniques needed to form a convincing story with new characters and an unprecedented style.

    The content writing courses online are arranged so that anyone with zero involvement with imaginative content writing can without much of a stretch appreciate its ideas. After you complete the course, you will actually want to form mistake-free proficient contents.

    Ranking: 4.7 out 5

    9. Content is King: Writing Killer Content for Web & Marketing

    Course offered by: Udemy

    In these content writing courses, you will get the hang of everything about web content creation which will help you turn into a competent blogger.

    After you complete the course, you will have the choice to form SEO agreeable blog entries, promotion copies, online business item copies, and various more.

    Apart from content writing, you will moreover learn different parts of computerized showcasing which will help you with ranking your site higher in the web search tools.

    Rankings: 4.1 out 5

    10. Creative Writing by Margaret Atwood

    Course offered by: Master Class

    This content writing course is made by Margaret Atwood, who is one of the top columnists on the planet. You can sort out how to structure your content writing, make an attracting in the story plot, and numerous more.

     After you complete these content writing courses online, you will be sure to form astonishing content by pushing your innovative mind to the limits. You will similarly have an alternative to overcome the fear of writing by following the methodologies discussed by the teacher.

    Rankings: 4.8 out of 5

    11. Transmedia Storytelling

    Course conducted by: UNSW Sydney via Coursera

    Transmedia narrating is the demonstration of organizing, sharing, and participating in a strong story experience over various ordinary and automated transport stages – for entertainment, promoting and advertising, or social change.

    The content writing courses give you a stand-out, real, and industry-relevant learning opportunity. You will move towards a current hypothesis, industry models, and advice and embrace learning practices that will outfit you with the devices you have to start developing up your own thoughts.

    Rankings: 4.8 out of 5

    12. Writing in Sciences

    Course offered by: Stanford via coursera

    These content writing courses teach scientists to end up being increasingly convincing researchers, using helpful models and activities.

    Subjects include:

    • standards of good writing
    • stunts for composing quicker and with less uneasiness
    • the association of a logical composition
    • peer study, award writing, moral issues in logical distribution
    • writing for general crowds

    Rankins: 4.9 out of 5

    13. Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals

    Course offered by: University of California, Davis via coursera

    Increase the comprehension of web record figures and how they impact natural rundown things and sites.

     Expanding on this data, you’ll become recognizable with

    • The key parts for making a convincing SEO technique, including how to pick keywords and perform keyword research
    • Buyer brain research and search conduct
    • How to guide on-page SEO examination to recognize opportunities to improve a site’s request streamlining.

    Rankings: 4.7 out of 5

    14. Presentation skills: Speechwriting and Storytelling

    Course offered by: National Research Tomsk State University via coursera

    Most open talking courses revolve around “how” instead of “what and why”.

    In these content writing courses online, we receive an increasingly deliberate technique, focusing on the content. The best technique to structure your thoughts, realities, and data into a reliable convincing story using a record structure.

    These content writing courses cover fundamentals of scriptwriting, pressing, argumentation and language. This course isn’t about how to produce a getting story, however rather how to structure your thoughts, realities, and data into a captivating story you will tell during your introduction.

    Rankings: 4.6 out of 5

    15. How to Write a Resume-Project-Centered Course

    Course offered by: The State University of New York via coursera

    In this project-focused course, you will make a fundamental establishment of the cutting-edge employment or entry-level position search: The Resume.

    You’ll review proceed with best practices and explore current patterns with direction from an expert vocation advocate and scout, and you’ll exchange coordinated contributions with your companions as you work to clean your own resume. Right when you complete the course, you’ll have an eye-getting resume that lets your expert characteristics sparkle.

    Ranking: 4.5 out of 5

    16. Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences

    Course offered by: Northwestern University via Coursera

    In these content writing courses, specialists at all levels of an association will get comfortable with the best ways to deal with approaches to draw in a crowd of individuals they need and need by keenly executing their huge, essential stories and data and by using demonstrated devices and systems to upgrade a group of individuals experiences and intrigue.

    In this unpredictable information age, groundbreaking agents understand that in the event that they and their associations are to flourish, they need to go past their sets of responsibilities. They should expert the most mentioning correspondence edges – making a drawing in, vital, genuine stories and information that is regarded by their most significant crowds.

    Rankings: 4.6 out of 5

    17. How to write and publish a scientific paper-Project Centered Course

    Course offered by: École Polytechnique via coursera

    In this task-based course, you will plot a logical paper, pick a genuine diary to which you’ll present the complete paper for distribution, and set up an arrangement that will permit you to freely pick whether your paper is set up to submit.

    By effectively applying new thoughts as you learn, you’ll expert the course content, even more, gainfully; you’ll additionally get a head start on utilizing the aptitudes you option to roll out positive advancements for the span of your life and profession.

    Rankings: 4.5 out of 5

    18. Content Strategy for Professionals

    Course offered by: Northwestern University via coursera

    In the course of the Content Strategy Specialization – Ensuring Your Content’s Impact – you will look at visual correspondence and the habits in which you can be logically viable with your printed style choices, photography, and video.

    You’ll in like manner plunged further into social networks to help you with seeing how this organizational structure and how you can deal with construct your job inside them.

    This module is critical for Content Strategists. It will help you with understanding how best to evaluate your content to amplify its practically similar to the time you center around it.

    Rankings: 4.6 out of 5

    19. Optimizing a Website for Search

    Course offered by: University of California, Davis via Coursera

    Gain capability with the intricate details of improving a site, from driving a hidden review to presenting your discoveries and proposals.

    Hands-on activities consolidate sorting out how to pick and apply fitting keywords all through a site, fusing keyword research in a content showcasing technique, and upgrading a site for close by pursuit.

    You will moreover learn strategies for characterizing objectives and client/partner desires, building convincing investigation and reports, and imparting SEO enhancements.

    Rankings: 4.7 out of 5

    20. Advanced Content and Social Tactics to Optimize SEO

    Find the content promoting and online organizing conditions and how these interconnected channels drive ordered records to a website. Impact content advertising and online life as a segment of your SEO framework, and how to use impact exhibiting to set up a website’s power.

    Rankings: 4.5 out of 5

    21. Ultimate Web Content Writing Masterclass+Power words eBook

    Course offered by: Udemy

    After the short introduction, you’ll become acquainted with the contrast between different terms like content writing, copywriting, and content marketing.

    Then, you’ll sort out some way to make content for the landing page of a site. All the fundamental components of a landing page content are covered. At that time how to reallocate content writing one small step appeared, in the event that you decide to do so.

    After this, you’ll sort out some way to create a blog entry step by step. You’ll furthermore get comfortable with the absolute prescribed strategies to make an extraordinary blog entry.

    For online businesses and various kinds of associations, it’s an unquestionable necessity to form incredible item and characterization pages.

    Ratings: 4.5 out of 5

    22. How to write better headlines-For Content, Email & Social Media

    Course Offered by: Udemy

    In this content writing course, composing a headline for online media is underlined, because writing a better feature is the fastest strategy to achieve an immense improvement in the display of each content page, email, and web-based life to refresh your compose.

    This content writing course incorporates 23 courses. Experience them all, and you’ll learn:

    • The strength of writing stunning on the web headlines
    • Best practices when composing features for 6 distinct sorts of online media
    • Secrets from my library of 13 exhibited approaches to manage with winning with online headlines
    • 8 Important inquiries on features – asked and replied

    Rankings: 4.5 out of 5

    23. How to Become a Content Strategist in 2020 and be good at it

    Course offered by: Udemy

    In these conservative and valuable content writing courses, you’ll sort out how to plan for a Content Strategy work and win at it. The course is isolated into 4 easy-to-follow steps:

    • Discover: In this movement, you’ll understand what the content framework is about.
    • Acquire: You’ll be familiar with some middle, complementary, and pleasant to-have aptitudes for the work of a Content Strategist.
    • Prepare: You’ll get direction on the most capable technique to get a contribution to the field of Content Strategy, assemble a portfolio, and prepare for a planned representative meeting.
    • Succeed: Finally, in this movement, you’ll get some huge clues on how to win the job of a Content Strategist.

    Rankings: 4.3 out of 5

    24. Start a successful part-time content writing Home Business

    Course offered by: Udemy

    You’ll get step by step direction on definitely how to arrange and keep this business in this 4+ hour course. You will figure out how to:

    • Figure out how to set up the business within seven days.
    • Figure out how to utilize the best journalists, editors, and undertaking chiefs.
    • Get the best customers.
    • The best strategy to perceive extraordinary and terrible customers.
    • Learn a proficient technique to manage your writers and editors.
    • The best technique to show this business by simply working 1-2 hours per day, best case scenario.
    • Complete content for sourcing customers.

    Rankings: 4.4 out of 5

    25. Writing Captivating Content for Speeches and Presentations

    Course offered by: Udemy

    This course is proposed to help you with making a talk that does only that.

    We’ll build your talk in a basic three draft structure. Talk by address, the course will help you with working through three, basic, task-driven advances:

    • Stage 1:


    • Stage 2:


    • Stage 3:


    Furthermore, that is it! Just three essential steps to cause you feel arranged, serene and sure with your material.

    What’s more, around the end you similarly get a FREE BONUS SECTION:

    ‘Delivery Tips and Dealing with Performance Nerves’ to help oversee you towards the subsequent phase of your public speaking skills.

    Rankings: 4.3 out of 5

    5 Benefits of Learning Content Writing

    Content isn’t just the ruler of the blog. Indeed, content is the leader of a couple of various things. Recordings, webcasts, radio broadcasts, roadside hoardings, and other such media all convey content. Consequently, it’s fundamental to learn content writing.

    • Content Writing Makes You Rich
    • Content Writing Prevents Legal Problems
    • Getting Research Skills
    • Innovativeness Comes from Content Writing
    • Improving Your Vocabulary

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    Q1. What are the skills that I require as a content writer?

    Ans. You require multiple skills as a content writer. As a content writer, you need to have excellent language skills. You need to have reading, writing and listening skills. Vocabulary is a skill that every content writer should learn. Meeting deadlines is a very important skill. You need to understand SEO tools, research skills, and tools that help with the language as well and the technicalities.

    Q2. Which is the best content writing course?

    Ans. Henry Harvin Writing Academy provides the best content writing courses online. The institute is ranked number 1 in the business. The course prepares you for making your website, blogging, graphic designs, and SEO skills. It provides opportunities in Internship and placement too. Henry Harvin Education provides the gold membership for a year. You are eligible to get Bootcamp sessions. Henry Harvin provides placement support. Your access to LMS is the best feature of the course.

    Q3. Can I take the course if I don’t have any technical knowledge about content writing?

    Ans. Yes. You can take the course even if you don’t have any technical knowledge about content writing. The course will equip you to learn about website building, SEO and other tools a content writer uses. You need not be scared about any technical skills. Your training course covers everything.

    Q4. I am a student and want to learn content writing. Can this content writing online course help?

    Ans. You can take the content writing course even though you are a student. The courses are designed for both professionals and students who love writing. You need to follow the instructions given by your trainers, do your assignments, and keep writing every day. Content is the king now. You can be the best content writer if you learn from a good institute. You will learn the technical knowledge about SEO and plagiarism that will help you in the long run.

    Q5. How will I build my website if I don’t have any knowledge?

    Ans. You will be guided by your trainer to build your website step by step. You will do the steps along with your trainer, and that will help you. Just follow the instructions. Also, try to work on your own to keep up with the lessons. All these lessons will help you in building your website to display your content.


    1. Enhance your writing prowess with the finest content writing courses available online. This meticulously curated collection features the top 25 courses, covering various aspects of content creation. Whether you aspire to be a freelance writer or improve your business’s online presence, these courses are a valuable resource.

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