Top 65 Medical Writing Interview Questions and Answers


Medical Writing

Medical writing consists of well-structured documents of science that contain clinical research documents, healthcare websites, and journals. Nowadays reviews are more important for people before visiting any facility mainly medical facilities.

There are two types of medical writing,

a) Regulatory Medical Writing

b) Educational Medical Writing

Regulatory Medical Writing:

This type of medical writing contains documents that require approval for some rare drugs and biologics. Mainly used for the sake of critical patients to help them buy prescribed medicines.

Educational Medical Writing:

It is a type of writing that created documents specifically for devices, medicine study overall for general studies.

About Medical Writing in General

A person who does medical writing is often called a medical communicator.  Their main task is to provide a complete description of the result. Medical writers use teamwork to achieve a common goal of creating well-structured documents.

Nowadays all the drugs and medicines need a clear description so that they could be market-approved. Medical writing thrives to help pharmaceuticals to get the clearance they need to sell them wisely. A thorough description is quite necessary these days and so the demand for medical writers has increased.

Medical writing interview is happening worldwide and students should be prepared from every angle. This medical writing interview should be considered vital for the promising future for candidates around the globe.

Also, medical institutions have given importance to translational research which helps the growing field of medical writers. Right now, the economic growth of the medical writing industry is at the speed of a 12.1% annual growth rate.

Henry Harvin Medical writing Course

  1. Henry Harvin has been providing medical writing courses for students across the globe.
  2. They provide two-way interactive online class sessions with projects and internship assistance at their best.
  3. Placement facilities are at 100% provision in this facility.
  4. Since medical writing is a fast-growing subject these days HH has upgraded themselves with the times.
  5. Course wise they teach students all the upcoming trends and tool guides to deal with in this field.
  6. Once the course is completed, they provide internships and freelancing opportunities to their students for practical experience.

Below is a short video giving an overview of HH’s Medical Writing,

Here are some of the top medical writing interview questions and answers that are given below.

Q1. How do you aim to succeed as a Medical Writer?

There are so many ways in which one can succeed as a medical writer. By achieving the goals set by my superiors it helps me to succeed. With the approach of being a good team player and being good to other employees, we can be successful.

Q2. Tell me about your work ethic.

Mention your good qualities like job responsibilities, your efficiency, and your fulfillment along with commitment toward your work.

Q3. What is unique about you that I won’t be able to find in others?

Let them know about your style of qualities, something away from whatever is mentioned in your portfolio or resume. Always be confident while explaining your thoughts and talk more about your passion in this field. Your commitment level plays a major role in this.

Q4. Let us know the qualities you look for in a boss.

I would like to expect my boss to be optimistic without being too into specifics and ruining anything. If they would be honest and handle things with intelligence, it will be for the best. Managers would usually have these qualities and I’m sure that my boss would do too.

Q5. Do you have any work experience in Medical Writing?

Tell them about the work experience that you’ve has related to this field. Make sure it is specifically related to only medical writing. But if you don’t have any prior experience in this field, talk about the skills and knowledge you developed. The developed skills made you more interested to apply for this position.

Q6. Tell me your weakness in medical writing.

When answering this question, make sure you try to turn the negatives into a positive approach. For example, if you have a “perfectionist” quality as your strength let them know a little weaker side of the same and make it positive. This makes you look less critical and boosts your reputation at the same time.

Q7. Do you think the salary we offer is attractive?

Make sure your answer doesn’t override the fact that salary is important to you the most. Let them know that even though the salary was quite attractive, the job was much more attractive than that. There may be several reasons for the interviewer to ask you this question but this answer is safe.

Q8. If there is a conflict in the workplace, how would you deal with it?

Due to certain differences in opinion or personal styles conflicts may occur in a workplace. If we follow certain guidelines we can avoid them.

  • When we pick out agreement and disagreement in a conflict we can solve them faster.
  • We need to listen to each other’s opponents carefully.
  • Both must discuss a workout plan and follow through with it.
  • Success doesn’t come alone, one must understand teamwork and its importance

Q9. What does teamwork mean to you?

Teamwork for me is to complete the given job by any means. Even if any one of the team members hasn’t finished their work, make it done. Just completing the given task alone doesn’t work in a group effort.

Q10. Have you ever faced a conflict in life and how have you dealt with it?

Your interviewer is trying to know if any conflicts have occurred at the center of you. As you know, anyone can try to be charming to make a first good impression. Just let the interviewer know about the situation and how you have handled it. Make sure that this situation had a happy ending with a good compromise.

Q11. How do you usually persuade someone to get what you want?

In a global environment, interpersonal relationships are much needed to become a successful person. You can give an example of how you used your persuasion skill to bring out a solution to a problem. This will assure the interviewer that you can handle clients and maintain a healthy professional relationship with them.

Q12. What would you like to do in your free time?

Interviewers would generally like to ask personal questions to check whether the candidate would be adaptable to their culture or not. Just answer casually about one or two of your hobbies which would put a smile on your face. Make sure that you keep your answer semi-professional. This ensures a safe way of communication to deal with.

Q13. When it comes to cost reduction, would you rather increase the revenue or save time?

This question can be sometimes asked to a fresher as well. You can stick to any one of the options and explain it with an example. This example has to let them know how the scheme was created, implemented, and executed for good. They would analyze in angles towards the cause of its benefits.

Q14. Do you know about our company?

Let them know how an industry or business works. It needs to know its competition or rival and needs to provide customer satisfaction. Not always one can compete and succeed but can learn something to create changes. You can then share your industrial experience and what you have learned from it.

Q15. How does a product come to become successful?

Optimism is the key to answering this question. Keep the interviewer engaged in such a way that helps them makes them think you want a long-term place here. Also, mention the quality and marketability of the product to get the interview’s attention.

Q16. How do you think your former employer would describe you?

This type of question needs only one type of answer, honesty. As you know they would ask your previous employer about you. Your answer should be confident and positive which makes the employer want to hire you. Do not exaggerate yourself as it wouldn’t sit well after they have asked your former employer about you.

Q17. Why do you want to work for our organization?

You need to make sure that you have prepared to know a lot about their organization and would demonstrate well. By doing this you are increasing the chances of getting selected to work for them. They would also feel like you would enjoy working in their environment in peace.

Q18. Do you have any questions for us?

Candidates can usually ask questions about the growth and expansion of the organization in this scenario. They can also ask about how their personal development gets enhanced and what the company achievements give them.

Q19. Tell us about your communication and interpersonal skills for this job.

My communication skill is something that has been adapted based on the fulfillment of clients’ needs. One must maintain certain interpersonal skills to keep the clients continue in their journey with us. A humane presence is always required for every situation.

Q20. Have you had an idea that you had implemented in practice?

The answer should be in such a way that makes the context being achieved by the outcome with the help of action. Interviewers guide usually specifies this STAR method of explaining an idea. This makes a candidate look confident and answers the question in the right way.

Q21. How do you describe a work of quality?

A work of quality according to me can be described as a work that sets a standard record. This standard record should be the highest and one should try to beat it to succeed.

Q22. What would you say is your biggest weakness as a medical writer?

Here you can talk about one of your strengths as a weakness that makes you feel guilty. The interviewer may wonder why you would say that and probe you in to know more details. Then, you can show your empathy towards the situation and make them observe your quality.

Q23. Are there any familiar ones you know in our company?

Companies usually ask this question to test whether you have some knowledge about the policies that they hold. So make sure that you know a lot about this company and the person who referred you is on good terms with the company.

Q24. Tell me about the time when you were most happy about your job.

Let them know about some charity works which you might have done previously to make them understand about you. If not, let them know about your sweetest moments with your previous employer. Make sure to highlight job satisfaction as the key tool.

Q25. Do you think you are a successful person?

The answer to this question should remain “yes” at all times. Do not give an overconfident answer. To explain why a successful person would have faced some ups and downs in life. You need to come up with a living example of how you handled a tough situation successfully. Also, let them know that you are futuristically ready to deal with it again.

Q26. How did you feel when you had to give some difficult feedback to another employee?

The interviewer is testing your effective people skills, communication skill, and handling difficult workplace situations with care skills. Make sure you answer perfectly. This can ensure your job security and your confidence to take you to a higher position.

Q27. What is the reason behind leaving your previous job?

The interviewer here is probing for some negative response from you to judge based on the same. Let them know about your interests in expanding your career goals. Make sure not to mention any differences you had with your previous employer.

Q28. Would you be willing to relocate if required?

You need to be honest about the location part of your job. Do not be so desperate enough to agree with any location. Think twice before answering.

Q29. How would your previous co-workers describe you?

Give a very honest answer but make sure it doesn’t impact you in any futuristic way. They would ask about you to your previous co-workers so let them know the truth in the right way.

Q30. Tell me about you.

Certain employers wouldn’t ask about your family or your place distances. So make sure that you include the above along with the answer to this question. This will make a good impression on you and helps in the following questions to come.

Q31. Why should we hire you?

Generally, this question is asked at the end of an interview. You must be prepared at any cost to answer this question wisely. Here you must illustrate mostly the best reasons to hire you. This summarizes your whole interview.

Q32. Why do you want to work with us?

The interviewer poses this question mainly to test your company knowledge and areas you find interesting. So make sure you do some research in-order to ace this one.

Q33. Why were you previously fired?

At times, interviewers may ask this nerve-breaking question to know how best you can answer them. Be honest and confident about your answer. Talk about the learning skills you acquired from your previous employer and how you have grown.

Q34. What inspires you to succeed?

Let them know your positive approach to things and the interests you provide for the growth of the company. Make sure inspiration is the key to success. Remember the above points and talk accordingly.

Q35. Tell us about the difficult employee situation you were in and how did you overcome the same?

Let them know of the time when you had faced such a situation and how you handled it. Be confident and explain in such a way that bad things seem like a good life lesson for you.

Q36. Which animal would you like to be if you had the chance to transform as one?

This is a random personality testing question and they mainly ask you to check how well you quick-fix things. Usually, there are no wrong answers to this question. Just make sure you bring up your strengths in a positive way.

Q37. Do you like to be around people often?

Let them know that you would love to interact with people and that gives you immense pleasure. This assures them that you would be a great team player in the future.

Q38. How would you be an example for your other employees?

With the help of following rules and regulations of the company’s policy, we can prove to be a good example. Also, by participating in all the events that happen inside the company we can prove them.

Q39. What kind of a work ambiance would you like?

Answer them based on the looks of the existing company which they are currently present. Make sure to highlight certain nooks and corners you loved about the whole thing.

Q40. Name some positive things your previous manager would say about you.

Answer this question based on the various appreciations which you would’ve gotten from your previous employer. Let them know exactly three good things about you based on your strengths and work experience.

Q41. Can you continue your studies and training simultaneously?

Companies usually like candidates who prefer to keep updating their knowledge at all times. When it comes to studies let them know that you are doing it for your current job role. This will make them realize that you’re taking this interview seriously and you are looking for a long-term relationship here.

Q42. How good are your computer skills?

Mentioning your computer skills is a highlight at any workplace. If you have any good computer skills let them know and that would be a plus for you.

Q43. The experience you had previously is enough you think?

Even if you do not have the experience let them know about your skills and knowledge in this growing field.

Q44. Tell me an example of an emergency scenario and how you handled it.

Let them know about an emergency and the way you handled it in the workplace. This will give you a boost.

Q45. How much do you usually get paid?

Make sure that you researched the salary which they usually pay for a job role like this. You can handle it once you know the whole information.

Q46. Why do you think we should hire you?

Tell them about your team player skills, experience, knowledge in the job role that you have applied. Mostly let them know how interested you are in this job.

Q47. Tell us about any new ideas you have implemented.

There is an approach known as “STAR” and it is a combination of Situation, Task, Action, and Result. When you know how to handle it, this becomes easy.

Q48. How do you make sure the team members involved are motivated?

Just make sure you let the interviewer know about the 3 things that are to be addressed.

  • Respect to others
  • A sense of accomplishment among fellow employees
  • Recognition of each employee

Q49. Do you plan on having any personal relationships with other employees?

Let them know that a personal relationship can be used to maintain the team’s performance. You need to make sure that emotions shouldn’t rule you.

Q50. Did your last employer treat you well?

Do not tell them any negative comments of the previous employer. Just let them know that you wish to grow in a firm that offers a much better service. Keep it plain simple and throw positive vibes.

Q51. Have you ever been in a position to fire someone before?

This question needs to be answered in a very careful manner. One must keep in mind that firing someone does not necessarily mean kicking someone out for good.

Q52. What are you foraging for as a medical writer?

Let them know about the skills you have been growing all this time. Also mention that they are all to be put to good use.

Q53. Do you think you would benefit our organization?

Tell them about your strengths which can be put to good use in the company.

Q54. How would you prove to be a great asset to our company?

Your strengths matter here the most. Be confident while answering.

Q55. What changes would you bring us, if hired?

Show interest in always learning something new. Make them believe that is true.

Q56. Between 1-5, how would you rate your writing skills?

Always try to answer above average to be on the medium level as a fresher.

Q57. Have you published any articles?

Answer with confidence and give them a sample of some of your articles and explain them.

Q58. What do you know about proofreading?

The process in which finding and correcting all grammatical, spelling, etc errors is known as proofreading.

Q59. What is the most common mistake medical writers do?

To name a few, being biased, failing to macro-organize things, etc.

Q60. How do you feel when someone says no as an answer?

It depends on the position of the people who say it and based on which respect level would be directly proportional.

Q61. What was your most disappointing experience?

You can illustrate it with an example and mention one of your weaknesses here. Convert it into a positive one.

Q62. How is your multi-tasking ability?

Always answer with confidence and make sure you are right for this job.

Q63. Do you prefer independent working or supervision working?

You can choose either one of the options but make sure you are confident and right about it.

Q64. What does your mind do when editing a document?

My mind would read it out loud and if there are corrections I would highlight those words or sentences.

Q65. What are statistics to you?

Gather your knowledge before attending interviews like these. Technical questions must be answered at once.


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