Content Writing Tips for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Content writing Tips

    Hello there!

    If you’re on this blog, that certainly means you’re looking for content writing tips. You want to write. But you don’t know where to start? You also need a way to create content that is as influential as possible. However, you can’t figure out how to do that.

    Well, don’t panic too much.  What we have here are some Content Writing tips. A step-by-step guide to getting you started. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, these 20 content creation tips will guide you on the path to successful content creation.

    Content writing

    Before we get on to content writing tips, let’s know what Content Writing entails. Why is it such a driving force today?

    First of all, the word content is pronounced ‘con-tent’ instead of ‘cun-tent’. Although, content (pronounced ‘cun-tent’) is also a word for satisfaction.

    Moving forward, creating content (especially writing on the web) means providing a solution. Consequently, you provide added value to your readers. As a result, you build trust, and trust is an important factor in building your brand.

    And that is how content writing picked up pace in the digital world.  Content writing provides information to readers from all walks of life. Even if you ask Google mediocre things like ‘How do you boil an egg?’! That is content. Whether it’s a video, a blog, or anything else that provides information, it’s content.

    So why is it such a coveted profession? Because it just requires a strong interest in writing. To reach your destination, you have to start somewhere. Writing content requires you to start writing. Rest, you learn, and grow. As you grow, so does your career.

    Now, let’s get back to this blog topic and take a look at some content writing tips to get you started.

    Content Writing Tips

    1. Identify your passion

    You are interested in writing. But content writing isn’t just about sitting and writing with a laptop, pen, or paper. Especially if you want to build a brand as a content writer. Therefore, the best content writing tip is to find your passion. Especially when it comes to content writing. What do you want to write about? For example, how to cook and how to run a cafe?

    Your passion should drive you to write happily. Not as a frustrating job you have to compulsively do. Combining your area of ​​interest with your writing talent makes writing content easier.

    You can also enroll in a content writing course to find your area of interest. The Content Writing Course introduces you to different forms of writing and offers different topics to write on.

    For instance, Henry Harvin’s Certified Digital Content Writing Course. It is ranked in the top 5 content writing courses in India. Here is the Henry Harvin Content writing tutorial video:

    Henry Harvin’s Content writing tutorial

    Key Highlights of Henry Harvin’s Certified Digital Content Writing Course

    • Learn more than 30 types of content.
    • Moreover, take benefit of attending different batches with different trainers
    • Plus, access to a learning management system through Moodle app on a mobile phone.
    • In addition, get a Gold membership for a year upon registration.

    The outcome of your investment in the course

    • 40 hours of intensive training.
    • Also, learn to put thoughts to paper. Not to mention the development of language skills to accommodate international clients.
    • You can also start a blog or launch a simple website to learn the technical aspects of content writing.
    • Also, acquire graphic design and research skills and identify your area of interest. And, of course, identify your target audience.
    • In addition, globally recognized CDCW certification.
    • Moreover, guaranteed internship, and placement. Freelance opportunities too.
    • Additionally, access to the LMS and up-to-date study material.
    • Finally, how to use the tools and software commonly used in content writing.


    The cost of a self-paced content writing course is INR 15,750/- and the cost of live online classroom training is INR 17,500/-.

    Other courses by Henry Harvin

    Henry Harvin has an academy dedicated to writing. Thus, it offers many other courses besides the Certified Digital Content Writing course. Namely:

    In short, institutes such as Henry Harvin offer content writing tips. Not only does it provide tips for writing rich and engaging content, but it also helps you find your area of interest. This will give you the boost you need to start writing content.

    2. Focus on your niche

    Well, now you are aware of what you want to write about. Then identify your expertise. You must be asking yourself ‘How does that relate to picking a niche? Please let me explain.

    Ask yourself, ‘What is the area I know best?’. The convergence of your passion and your expertise gives you your niche. This not only gives you a specific niche but also includes looking at the writing style.

    For instance, you might write an instructional blog post. Or a DIY blog. Whatever style you like, it must be what you specialize in. Also, search the market for potential opportunities in the defined area.

    In short, your passion + your expertise + your market opportunities = your niche.

    You certainly don’t have to limit yourself to that particular niche. You can write as a general writer. Still, a niche shows your expertise and gives you an edge in the market.

    3. RRR

    No, it doesn’t mean SS Rajamouli’s cinema. But it is another content writing tip that means Read, Research, and Review.

    Before you begin your content, read and research. When you start as a content writer, you may not be familiar with many topics. By reading, you will be familiar with these topics. Reading also exposes you to the writing style adopted by other authors. Not to mention the information it provides in your area of ​​interest!

    Then the research begins. Research is not limited to finding facts and statistics online. But it starts with planning your article/blog. From planning, headlines, and post types (how-tos, tutorials, list posts, reviews, etc.) to evaluating ideas and searching data sources; all apply to your research. Facts and statistics can only be researched after these considerations. Also, don’t forget to do keyword research. And that brings us to the next content writing tip.

    4. Learn about Keywords and Keyword Research.

    An important Content writing tip. Learn about keywords. Let me tell you the reason. You can easily understand the meaning by looking at the literal translation of the word. Keyword (most important word).

    Content Writing Tips- Keyword and Keyword research.

    Keywords tell Google (and other search engines) what your blog is about. More importantly, the words most often used by your target audience. These words bring your target audience to your page.

    To know what your audience is looking for, keyword research is important. Give your audience the solution they are looking for. Proper keyword research is imperative because that makes your blog rank higher on the search engine pages.

    We use ‘keyword’ all the time. However, this does not mean it to be just a word. In many cases, keywords can also be phrases. While keyword research is a detailed subject, it’s enough to say that it is necessary to understand how Google works with keywords and also how to use them.

    5. Prepare the draft.

    You may have seen an artist’s sketch before he/she painted the actual picture. Or take a script for a movie. what are they? Those are drafts. Overview of the actual image. That’s exactly what you should do. Sketch the idea you want to convey. The outline gives you the goal of your article/blog.

    Content Writing Tips- Prepare the Draft

    Creating an outline not only allows you to organize your articles and blogs but also destroys elements that aren’t relevant to your blog. That is, organize it, check it, and then delete it. (By the way, did I say that you no longer need to stay awake and add on those calories?)

    This leads to the following content writing tip.

    6. Develop UVT, but keep it consistent

    Just as a product has a USP, your writing needs UVT – a unique voice and tone. Your article/blog will only stand out if it has your unique style and tone. Just like Bollywood songs have their signature steps.

    Of course, you get information from many sources available to you. But keep your style. After all, that makes you the author. But don’t forget to be consistent. It is important to be consistent in your writing, regardless of your perspective, tone, or style.

    7. Include Formatting

    A major put-off while reading a blog? A piece that continues without a break. So, give it a break.

    Remember to subdivide your blog into headings and subheadings. This not only adds structure to your article but also allows the reader to digest small pieces of your article. Needless to say, it is pleasing to the eye too.

    In addition to headings and subheadings, you can also include various formats to eliminate the monotony of your content. For example; paragraphs, bold or italic to emphasize points, bullets or numbering, etc. Your articles/blogs should be the most readable, even if there are a lot of resources available out there.

    8. Say ‘No’ to plagiarism and repetition

    Please do not plagiarize. Probably the most important content writing tip. Do not offer plagiarized content, whether you are writing for a client or your blog.

    Content Writing Tips- Don’t Plagiarize

    Plagiarism has many drawbacks. If you work for a client, you will never be hired again. However, if the article is for your blog, though there is no getting-fired risk, search engines may penalize or remove your blog altogether. This is a big obstacle to your writing career.

    An equally important content writing tip is not to repeat too much. Of course, the content can get repetitive, but try to keep it down. You don’t want it to sound like a broken record, right?

    9. Being Human.

    You write for the audience. Show your personality in your writing. Make your audience feel that you are speaking through your article/blog.

    It doesn’t mean to clutter your articles/blogs with exaggerated emotions or unnecessary emoji. This is a turnoff. If it sounds like a human, it will be easier to read. After all, we’re not robots.

    10.  Simple is beautiful

    Let’s move on to the next content writing tip. Make it simple and easy to understand. As writers, we take pride in our command of the language. After all, that’s why we took up writing. But we have to hold the Shakespeare and Dickens inside us!

    Keep your article/blog language simple. Use fewer complex words. For example, you can use small instead of minuscule or diminutive. You don’t want your readers to abandon your blog post and search for the meaning instead, right?

    Of course, the reader can understand big words. However, to evaluate the readability of articles and blogs, you need to tone down the language.

    11.  Use Call-To-Action

    You must have come across a website that requires an email to sign up for a mailing list. Or, a discounted offer that pops up while browsing an e-commerce site?

    This is Call to Action. This is another important content writing tip, especially when your content creation is about conversion. Clear (CTA) provides an immediate response from your target audience.

    Content Writing Tips- CTA

    The CTA should be concise and obvious to the readers who visit your site. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be creative with these buttons. Get rid of the clichéd ‘click here or ‘click to call’ and be creative with this text.

    12.  Use images, but have the (legal) right to use them

    We often come across the phrase “images may be copyrighted”. Yes. Images related to copyright cannot be used.

    Why is that so? Now, some creators demand their credit. They have their pictures just as you have your writing. Hence, unauthorized use of images may be sued. Therefore, as a beginner, refrain from taking pictures with legal tags.

    There are many websites where image authors offer their work for free. All they need is gratitude and credit for the images you used. Make use of such pictures in your article.

    13.  Check for Readability

    Think about how much time you spend on any website looking for information? Probably 30-40 seconds. It’s what even your readers take to scan your articles/blogs.

    A few seconds is what it takes to decide whether to continue reading or switch to another reading. Therefore, make sure the article/blog is easy to read. The language of your article should be such that readers stay and continue reading at first glance.

    To determine this, have someone you know read your article. Through this simple exercise, you will find out if your article/blog is easy to understand and read.

    14.  Perform EPR

    A must-do content writing tip. Edit. Proofread. Rewrite (if necessary). Whether you are a beginner or a writing professional, you are bound to make some mistakes. In addition, reading your article multiple times will give you a fresh perspective on a particular point.

    Also, don’t be afraid to remove unnecessary parts of the write-up even if it makes you proud of your writing skills. If it is not needed, you delete it.

    Therefore, you can edit, proofread, and rewrite articles and blogs to eliminate grammatical mistakes and give new angles to styles and tones. Also, unnecessary information is eliminated.

    15.  Meet the deadline

    This content writing tip is essential. Especially if you are writing for a client. The thumb rule is to keep the given deadline.

    If the client is a person who posts regularly, you need to provide your work on time. Probably faster. This will ensure that you will work with them in the future.  Even if you’re writing for a personal blog, have a schedule and stick to it enthusiastically. Meeting deadlines will become inherent.

    16.  Befriend those tools

    Well, you have impeccable grammar and writing skills. However, with online grammar tools, anyone can write without grammar errors. And it’s free too!

    So, how do you make your writing distinct? Use the content writing tools available online. Tools such as spelling and grammar checkers, keyword search tools, topic idea tools, paraphrase tools, and more. Using them to write better content is certainly harmless.

    17.  Check on competitors

    As a beginner, giving up writing is pretty easy. From time to time, many new content writers are threatened by the overwhelming number of blogs available on the same topic they want to write.

    As far as we know, there are probably thousands of blogs on content writing tips out there. So don’t be discouraged. If you have a blog about the idea you want to write, you write it better.

    You can probably extend a limited content. Or add depth to a flat content. Or just update any old content related to your niche.  Of course, this requires additional research, more data sources, and more thought on your part. As long as it’s not plagiarized, it’s perfectly fine to look at the work of other authors.

    18.  Interact with your readers

    The next content writing tip is to interact with your readers. Your only goal as a content writer is to provide value to your readers.

    Therefore, investigating the questions your readers have, can benefit your readership. Provide answers before going deep into the topic. Especially when the subject is difficult. This allows the reader to stay on the topic and continue reading.

    You can also create a mailing list with some of your readers. Ask them the most important questions about the topic you are writing about. This will secure readers for your articles/blogs.

    19.  Promote yourself

    All of the above content creation tips are meaningless if you don’t promote yourself as a content writer. Gone are the days when promoting content took newspapers or magazines or the likes.

    Content writers today have various platforms at their disposal. Owing to these platforms, content writing transcends sectoral and industry boundaries.

    If no one has access to your article/blog, what’s the point of writing? If you’re afraid of criticism, you probably shouldn’t write at all. Even if you’re afraid of criticism, this is an integral part of your job as a content creator.

    You may be praised for your attribution and criticized at the same time. So, take this in your stride and start promoting your articles/blogs on different channels to build your brand as a content creator.

    20.  Keep Writing

    Last but not least of all content writing tips, is to keep writing. Even though there may be numerous reasons to give up, only one reason is enough for you to keep going; Your love for writing.

    Building a rapport with your readers, gaining their trust and readership, and having that edge in your writing will take time and constant practice.

    To be the Neil Patel or Seth Godin of content writing, you need to learn and understand the value of providing pertinent information to your readers. That comes with constant writing. Knowing your objective of catering to your readers, unconsciously will you build upon the quality of your content. Consequently, it will lead to higher search engine rankings and in turn, better visibility.


    Content is an indisputable element of any initiative. However, content in itself is not the only factor in the process of any promotional initiative.

    There is much more to content writing than the above content writing tips. But, as a beginner in this area, I believe that these content writing tips are enough to get you started.

    As long as you religiously follow content writing tips, you will certainly grow. Once you get the hang of the content writing process, you become a seasoned writer who can create all kinds of content. As you acquire the knowledge of advanced content creation technology, you will gradually grow. So, keep writing. The more you write, the better you will be.

    Recommended Reads


    Q.1. Please tell me about creating various types of content.

    Some broad categories of content writing include blogging, technical writing, social media creation, copywriting, and email.

    Q.2. Is SEO important in content writing?

    Yes. It certainly is. SEO in content creation optimizes your content so that potential readers on the web can find it. As a result, it increases traffic to your website. In turn, your readership will improve.

    Q.3. How to search for keywords to write content?

    You can create keywords using three elements. Select either a specific keyword such as ‘road bike’ or a long tail phrase such as ‘road bike in Mumbai’. You can also use realistic phrases in your keyword searches.

    Q.4. What is a meta description?

    A meta description is information about website pages. In other words, it’s a summary of your blog page. Meta descriptions help you optimize your SEO and rank your pages higher.

    Q.5. Do I need to have a certificate or a degree of any kind to write content?

    As mentioned earlier, to start as a content writer, you have to love writing. No specific degree is required, but you can choose content writing courses offered by different institutions.


    1. This step-by-step guide on content writing for beginners is a treasure trove of valuable tips! It covers everything from brainstorming ideas to crafting compelling headlines. A must-read resource for anyone looking to enhance their writing skills.

    2. Super great blog on Content Writing Tips for Beginners in a career. It offered an interesting overview and Step-by-Step Guide, it is also a good start to the specialization in this course.


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