Top 10 Different Methods of Teaching the English Language

teaching english

English is thought to be the most commonly used language across the world. It is the Indo-European language that belongs to West German. It is the official language spoken in Britain, the USA, and most other countries of the world. Today. English is gaining importance in international communication standards like science, politics, media, and many other social programs. English is meant to be the first stepping stone to reaching your dream career by providing multiple job opportunities.

Even in some countries where English is not the native language, people are using it in many tourism and business areas. The English language has many dialects and pronunciations that vary across the world. The English language also has many local variations like – British, Britain, Indian, Caribbean, Canadian, Euro-English, Irish, and many more. Teaching English Language is becoming the best professionals across the countries as the English language has its importance.

Teaching the English language can be creative and innovative for the one who has an interest to teach using multiple strategies.

Any language teacher knows that there’s no specific rule to know to make any student understand the language quickly with fluency. Rather, I can sort out some of the common and evidence-based teaching paths. Doing these can be helpful and supportive to teaching English learning. 

Assuring that these approaches do need not the best way of teaching English language. You can find many more approaches to teaching English language other than the below as each teacher/educator, classroom, and student are different and unique in their way.

Lets us tailor-custom some of the ways to Teaching English language in a specific context – 

  • Communicative language teaching  

Probably all over the globe uses this method. This approach aims to focus on real-life situations and to learn their language skills to communicate across the world. So, teachers/educators lean toward focusing on the fluency of the communication rather than mastering the theoretical lessons. Relevant classroom activities with the Interactive sessions including the legitimate study materials characterize this approach as the most dedicated to learning and teaching English language.

  • Task-based Language Teaching 

This approach is based on the completion of the task which can engage and create interest in the learners. To complete the task, learners use their language skills and work through three distinct phases – a pre-task, the task itself, and a post-task.

Here, sometimes teachers need to ask students to present some presentations on surrounding materials. To complete the task, they can read/listen to any study materials, explore the internet as well as write and deliver the presentation in the best presentable way. The goal of this approach to teaching English is to motivate and encourage students to speak the language and perform given tasks more effectively.

  • Content and Language integrated learning  

The principle here involves the study of one subject, (like history, biology, or science) along with learning English as the effective integration of two subjects. Formulation of the Teaching English language is around the need of the first subject to some extent to the target language. So, it should be made clear that the integration is engaging for the students. This kind of approach helps to create expressive opportunities to work on cross-curriculum to get a wider context and to re-engage any demotivated students.

  • Cooperative language learning

This form of Teaching English language is also knowns as Collaborative / Community Learning. Arrangement of multiple groups comprising of small groups of students or pairs of students to do cooperative activities in the classroom. This approach is student-centric rather than teacher-centric to teach the language. This method also improves the opportunities for social interactions between the students. Teachers play the role of facilitators to accomplish the task of interacting with students and help them work together and participate in the learning tasks.

  • Direct Method 

The focus of this approach is to teach the target language to force the learner/student to think and speak in that language. Here, never allow students to use their native languages in the classroom. As a result of this, students work on the key concepts of practicing the language and get exposure to it. Standard classroom teachings include question and answers, reading aloud, conversation, writing, and self-correcting techniques.

  • Grammar-translation 

This approach is traditional in teaching prioritizing the translation into the target language from the student’s mother tongue and vice-versa. To accomplish this kind of approach, students need to master the lists of detailed grammar formats, rules, and vocabulary. This approach obligates accuracy over fluency and focuses on the reading and writing skills also instead of only speaking skills. Incorporation of Grammar drills, vocab tests, and grammar concepts to standardize the writing tasks of the students is also available in this method.

  • Audiolingualism 

This approach is to retort some of the problems related to Grammar-Translation. Conducting the classes by keeping the target language prioritized to speaking and listening skills. Here teachers ask students to repeat the words following them until they get the correct rhythm and pronunciations. Usually, teachers/educators concentrate on each individual to correct them if they need and to reward them if are good at it. 

  • Total Physical Response 

 TPR(Total Physical Response) involves teachers presenting language objects as instructions and students need to follow exactly what the teacher asks them to do. As a simple example, teachers can ask students to sit down, stand up, walk into the class or point to the clock. As the students follow the instructions they can improve their comprehensive learning including adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions.

  • Silent way 

Perhaps it is hard to imagine a language class where teachers do say much. Tune from Teachers’ teaching to students’ learning by encouraging them to be more independent and discover the target language by themselves. Teachers employ each student with the possible gestures and facial expressions to communicate. Even props are useful in this kind of approach to make sure that the student can explain the whole process accurately.

  • Natural Approach

The characteristic of this approach is to recognize and emphasize the differences between learning and acquiring a language. They believe that learning a language is a matter of structure, textbooks, resources, and memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary lists. Intending for the beginners this method has the beginner level of learners/students where teachers emphasize comprehensive inputs and develop interest to create low-anxiety situations. So, the teaching of the lessons has the natural approach to understanding the messages in the foreign language and not emphasizing error correction or drilling of the grammar rules.

We can look at Henry Harvin to learn some of the points about teaching English language 

Henry Harvin is the leading educational institute comprising multiple learning opportunities. You can join Herny Harvin to fetch the best course training to enhance your skills and abilities. They provide online and classroom learnings to help you understand deeper knowledge about the subject. The internship program along with the inclusion of real-time projects can you understand better. The institute has the subject expertise for teaching English language in the division of multiple layers like :

Teaching English Language skills are the most demanding and trending field in today’s world. Modern teaching methods also include activity-based learnings to make the learners/students involve completely. There are many approaches to learning and planning the curriculum teaching as per the student’s perspective and also teachers’ point of view to indulge students. 

Traditional teaching methods make learning more interesting and lively by inculcating the direct bond between words and their respective meanings. It also involves the participation and facilitation of the alertness of the student and teachers. Activities involving oral recitations with the written examinations and regular assignments help students to get good hands learning for the students. Mnemonics, explicit teaching, direct instruction, spaced practice, and purposeful practice are examples of strategies with elements in common with traditional rote and drill exercises.

We can look for a bit of the tips for Teaching English Language to the beginners

Teaching beginners can be a daunting prospect, mainly when it’s a monolingual group and you recognize none of their languages. Or it’s a multilingual group and the only regular language is the English language you’ve been tasked with teaching them. Nevertheless, it’s conceivable to insist beginners over English, and become part of the vast majority of rewarding levels. 

There are seven tips for teaching English language to beginners as below. 

  • Keep instructions simple and clear 

Instead of complex instructions make sure you use simple words. And if you want you can make necessary gestures to make students understand the concept. For example, you can use words like – please, and thank you.

  • Let students listen first 

Anyone needs time to start practicing speaking the new language. Never pressure students to speak English before getting them an opportunity to listen to the language carefully.

  • Drill, repeat, drill, repeat, drill … 

It might seem to be boring to repeat the same sentences or words again and again. But as a beginner, you need to emphasize lots of drilling and repetitions. Try to make them learn statements into small units and build them back to make a statement.

  • Establish classroom language early on 

No matter how relaxing and friendly you are in the classroom. Try to use English in the classroom rather than using other languages.

  • Avoid metalanguage 

Do not pressurize students to use exact vocabulary. Try to give them some context-based visuals. Also, let them come back to you with questions and avoid asking whether they understood or not. Some of them can be reluctant, and some may feel they understand, but in reality, they may still have dilemmas.

  • Never forget that students are fluent in their mother tongue

For teaching, teachers have to be patient and proactive listeners. Teaching English language should not overlook the native language of the student. Mother tongues need to be given good priority and help students learn on their own using their mother tongues. This can help them to change the sentence and rephrase it as per their nature of learning.

  • Prepare well, prepare a lot, and keep talking with them 

Start teaching the beginners who have slow progress and recycling and repeating the words again and again. Make sure you do not keep on repeating till the student gets out of mind to learning. You have to ensure that you conduct activities and make thorough preparation about how to start the class with an effective introduction and carefully understand the level of their understanding.

As for the higher level of students, you do not need to focus on statement-making and pronunciation and use of the words effectively. As the beginners will try to copy you as the model of their learning.


English is a diverse language and teaching English language depends on the talent of the teacher and the ability of the students to learn. Teaching English language can be fruitful for the student who wants exposure to the world of technology where communication is the basic tool to open up your skills of talent. As per certain people, English is ranked as the top demanded language and a window to interact with many people across the world. Any method/approach can be used to help students to master the English language and enhance their communication, pronunciation, and grammar skills.


Q.1 Can I take Teaching English Language classes online?

Ans. Yes, you can take online classes to teach English Language.

Q.2 How to start Teaching English Language?

Ans. You can start teaching the English Language if you have done a master’s in English or some basic language course in teaching.

Q.3 My grandfather is 80years old and now he wants to learn English. Can he join?

Ans. Of course, learning does not need age. Your grandfather can learn English at any age.

Q.4 My son is 5 years old, how can help him learn English?

Ans. You can look for some online applications or youtube to help him learn English. You can also start interacting with your child in English. This can enhance his language skill.

Q.5 Shall I prioritize English learning over my mother tongue?

Ans. No language can rule over your mother tongue. English is a language that can be learned at any age.


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